Pass Me By
(TNT 271
Mike Trombly
Four ladies chain 3/4 round the ring
All join hands and circle left I sing
Four ladies roll away, circle left and go
Allemande the corner, weave the ring you know
*I've got ten toes to wiggle in the sand
Dosado the girl and promenade
Tell the whole darn world if you don't happen to like it
Deal me out, thank you kindly, pass me by
*Lots of idle fingers snap to my command
*A lively pair of heels that kick to beat the band
Four ladies chain 3/4 round you go
Heads promenade 3/4 around you know
Sides square thru 3/4 around my friend
All circle four 3/4 around and then
All square thru 3/4 around you go
Swing the corner girl and promenade
Tell the whole darn world if you don't happen to like it
Deal me out, thank you kindly, pass me by
Pass me by, pass me by
If you don't happen to like it pass me by