Dance Night   (TNT 101)   Mike Trombly

You join all your hands, circle left now
Left allemande, come back a dosado
Four boys star left, one time round and then
You turn thru, left allemande and weave the land
(Yodel) You weave in and out till you meet her
Swing your partner around and promenade the land
(Yodel) Oh, don't it seem nice and don't it feel right
To dance with your friend tonight

FIGURE    Mainstream, corner progression

1 & 3 (2 & 4) square thru four hands around
Dosado the corner there
You swing thru tonight, boys run right
Couples trade same line, then do a wheel & deal
Pass to the center and square thru 3/4
Swing the corner lady and promenade the land
(Yodel) Oh, don't it seem nice and don't it feel right
To dance with your friend tonight

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